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Media Relations

Our media experts can help you:

  • Mitigate collateral damage quickly and efficiently when a situation occurs

  • Develop an effective crisis communications plan

  • Prepare your team for critical situations with hands-on media training

Media relations anchored in goodwill and reciprocity of trust will withstand the storms of crisis. It’s about the journey, not the destination. We help you put your best foot forward.







Administrative Support

Our professionals in administration can help you:

  • Get the job done right—the first time—for probes where there is an apparent lapse of accountability or systemic failure

  • Attain unbiased fact finding and prompt resolution to mitigate exposure to risk and other costly consequences. We help you isolate and correct the problem.

  • Guide you through an objective, fact-based assessment when the efficacy of your agency’s essential internal functions is called into question. We’ll get to the heart of your objectives and examine strategies to help you to reach them. 

  • Maximize your resources, preserve relationships, and mitigate adverse outcomes.

At McGuinness Solutions, we apply the principles of fairness and objectivity to everything we do to strengthen the mission and core values of your agency.

Our commitment to serving our clients is both the cornerstone of our philosophy and the measurement of our success.

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